Joy Courage Justice

  1. Mission, Virtues & Values
  2. Justice


Striving for social justice is the most valuable thing to do in life- Albert Einstein. 


Justice and mercy are key themes in the writings of the Old Testament prophets. Biblical justice is more than fairness and equality; it is a strong bias towards the weak, the poor and the socially disadvantaged. All are cared for, whether they ‘deserve’ it or not. In God’s eyes every person is precious and oppression or discrimination have no place in society. God’s justice is gracious—He always acts justly and he calls on others to do the same.

At school we take every opportunity to teach children this value by: 

- promoting social justice through looking at a justice theme each year. 

- Choosing school captains, achievement ambassadors, eco- warriors and worship leaders who ensure a pupil's voice is at the centre of the decisions we make. 

- adopting a restorative justice approach so that children know how to resolve conflict through collaborative resolution.

- encouraging children to speak truth to power and champion it across the school and in their community. 

- teaching children to own the truth even when it may have negative consequence.

- promoting the concept of equity over equality so that children and families get what they need, not what is perceived to be fair. 

Justice at home:

Sharing is caring: Teach your children to understand the difference between sharing something when there is enough to go round and taking turns.

Ambassadors for change: Talk at home about inequalities in our local community so that children are aware of the needs of others. A great way to do this is to volunteer as a family or donate to charity. 

Stewardship: Teach your children to be aspirational for their community and to be a force of change. You can do this by getting involved in events and campaigns that champion causes that will make life better for those in our local community and beyond. 

Teach children that their voice is important in maintaining justice for others and that they should seek help and share concerns with grown-ups who can help to change things for the better.