Our School
Train up a child in the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not depart from it.
Latest News
- We have great news! To celebrate World Book Day, for 24 hours only on March 6th 2025, all the Teach Your Monster to Read reading apps are available to download FREE!
- Newsflash!!!!
- New topic new term. We have been busy
- On Wednesday Fiji and Sumatra had a very wet but exciting day exploring the Botanical Gardens.
- The classroom was full of 'Wild Things' this week and the children all seemed happy to be back at school with their teachers and friends.
- Spring 2 Week 1
- A great first week back!
- Please share your views.
- We have 6 bikesto lend. 5 small one for age 10/1. We also have e 10 new helmet for children who have borrowed bikes from the libraryand any others with bikes but no helmets. After school on monday 3 March Andrew will be in Explorers playground.