Open Day for prospective and current parents on the 30th of November from 9:00 to 11:00, No need to book

    1. News
    2. Explorers - Year 5 & 6
    3. Healthy Eating

    Healthy Eating

    7 June 2021 (by Beth Taylor (Beth))

    We are working with the NHS to improve dental health and healthy eating. Please make sure that your child brings a water bottle to school, that only contains water to drink during the day. They may have 1 carton of juice or milk based drink with their lunch.

    Please can we also ask that children have 1 chocolate item maximum in their lunch boxes. Chocolate spread in sandwiches must not be included as they are made using nuts and we have several children and staff with severe nut allergies.

    We do have a morning snack, please make sure this is a healthy snack, for example: fruit, plain crackers or rice cakes.

    Thank you for your co-operation.