Wheatley Park School - Secondary Open Morning/Evening12 September 2022 (by Zoe Goodin (ZoeG)) |
From Wheatley Park School - Please contact Wheatley Park with any questions.
Tel: 01865 872441 Fax: 01865 874712 Email: office@wheatleypark.org Website: www.wheatleypark.org
Dear Parents and Carers
Re: Wheatley Park School Open Evening and Open Morning 2022
I am delighted to invite you to our upcoming Open Evening and Open Morning. As your child
approaches secondary education age, we relish the opportunity to show you what Wheatley Park has to
Our vision is to provide an outstanding education in the very broadest sense to each and every one of
our students in accordance with our core school values of Everyone Learning and Everyone Caring.
Our Open Evening will give you a chance to see the school for yourselves. You will be able to meet the
staff and appreciate their passion for their work. You will also be able to talk to students of all ages to
get a sense of how much they enjoy school life and are involved in their learning. The Open Morning
provides an additional opportunity to see the school on a normal working day.
We understand that the choice of a secondary school is an important and sometimes daunting matter.
Please do take the opportunity to visit on either or both of these occasions and make sure that all your
questions are answered. Equally, you are welcome to make an appointment for a visit at another time
or to discuss your child’s particular circumstances.
Our Open Evening will start at 6.00pm on Tuesday 27th September. You will be able to join a
student-led tour or explore the school freely. There will be two Headteacher talks to ensure all families
are able to attend. You can either arrive at 6pm for Mr. Martin’s presentation in the Main Hall with a
tour of our site afterwards. Or you will be able to arrive after 6pm for a tour of our school followed by a
7.30pm presentation with Mr Martin. The evening will end after the second Headteacher talk at 8pm.
In addition to this, our Open Morning will be from 9.00am until 10.45am on Friday 30th September,
beginning with a welcome reception in the Sixth Form Study Room located within the Sixth Form
Centre. Please park in the main school car park adjacent to the Sixth Form Centre unless directed
otherwise for both events.
On behalf of everyone at Wheatley Park, we look forward to welcoming you in person to our beautiful
parkland site.
Yours sincerely
Tim Martin