The Pod reflect and review17 May 2024 (by Sarah Colverson-Martin (Sarah)) |
It's been wild.
The children this week have been exploring the musical instruments and we have practiced different ways of playing them, softly, loudly, quick and slow. We have been learning new songs that incorporate different animals with lots of actions.
In the sand pit out side lots of science was taking place, the children added water to the dry sand to change to property of the sand making it easier to form sand castles and make pies and cakes.
The older children built a safari jeep using the crates, big boxes and wheels so they could go on an adventure to meet the animals from the books Dear Zoo. They also thought of other animals they might see in the wild.
The younger of the children became artists as they took part in body painting, this giving them the opportunity to engage, explore and play with a wide range of media and materials.
Please remember to sun cream your child and have a sun hat as the warmer weather looks like its going to stay a little longer.
There has been several cases of Hand Foot and Mouth we are washing and sterilising the toys and equipment there is no need to keep your child at home from nursery unless they are unwell.
We hope you have a fab weekend see you all on Monday.