Coral Reef Reflect and Review24 May 2024 (by Laura Thornton (LauraT)) |
The butterflies have been released and it was magical! What a fab end to the term and our Bugs Life topic!
Today we headed out into our garden with our Butterfly enclosure, ready release them. There was lots of excitement and the children all sat down to watch. As some of the butterflies fluttered out they landed on the ground or flew close to the children. This meant the children were able to see the butterflies up close and some of them were lucky enough to hold one and we captured some fantastic photos!
In other news some of the children recalled how they planted their sunflower seed and wrote down step by step instructions as part of our writing focus this week.
We have also been continuing with our Sunflower Project in Maths where the children have been seed detectives by looking closely at seeds in fruits and vegetables, talking about their shape and size, using ten frames to find out how many and using their amazing maths skills to quickly identify amounts of seeds beyond ten. They have also practicing their skills in identifying how many seeds had been added or taken away. They also listened to the wonderful story My Fruit is a Suitcase.
In Our Write Stuff sessions the children have continued to write facts and information about bugs using new vocabulary such as scuttle, dislike and avoid.
In our Religious Education sessions this week the children have been listening to stories from different faiths such as 'The Gold Giving Serpent' the children have thinking about the messages behind each story and what might be trying to teach us. The stories covered different themes for example 'being honest, being grateful and not greedy, looking after nature and being good friends.
As artists the children have really enjoyed creating 3D butterflies with tubes and shiny paper and decorating coffee filter paper to make colourful butterflies.
As Musicians we played clapping games and the children worked in pairs to clap in time to the pulse.
Next term our new topic will be 'Underwater World' where the children will be finding out about different sea creatures and learning about some of the ways we can protect our seas and oceans. We will be focusing on how to be brave writers by working hard on our sentence writing and learning to write sentences with more independence!
We will be holding our bake sale after school on Friday 7th!
We are also having a special Forest school session for significant males to join their child to do some fun forest school activities on Friday 14th June. Please sign up on our clipboard available on the gate.
The term will end with our fantastic trip to Legoland on Friday the 5th July!
Just a reminder that toys from home must not come into school. It can be upsetting for children if their toy gets lost or broken or if another child takes it. Thank you
We hope you enjoy the bank holiday weekend and next week, whatever you are up to!
The Coral Reef Team