Open Day for prospective and current parents on the 30th of November from 9:00 to 11:00, No need to book

    1. News
    2. The Pod - 0-3
    3. Weekly reflect and review

    Weekly reflect and review

    7 June 2024 (by Sarah Colverson-Martin (Sarah))

    A new term and a new topic. Water, Water everywhere!

    Welcome to our new families that have joined us this week. The children have all settled well back in to nursery after a week off. 

    This week as we start our new topic of water water every where the children have enjoyed a variety of different activities.

    As mathematicians the children have looked at shells and compared the different sizes, weights and shape. We discussed the texture of the shells how they felt and if we listened carefully how you can hear the sea. 

    We have been reading the topic book 'Bog baby' and 'Commotion in the Ocean' The children have shown great listening skills.

    Next week we will be choosing some of the animals from the book 'Commotion in the Ocean' to become artists using our own perspective and observational drawings. The younger children will be creating their own visons of fish and ducks.

    During singing this week we have been putting some new words to some well known nursery rhymes and songs to link them to the topic. 'Old McDonald had a pond' What animals lived in his pond? Do the children remember? 

    We have enjoyed water play both inside and out and the children have got wet, please can you provide your children with spare clothes and sun hats and cream. 

    On Tuesday 16th July we will be holding our Teddy bears picnic all families are welcome to join us from 11.30-1.30 in the nursery garden, fingers crossed the weather will be kind. I hope lots of families will be able to join us.

    Have a fab weekend and we will see you all on Monday.