Open Day for prospective and current parents on the 30th of November from 9:00 to 11:00, No need to book

    1. News
    2. The Pod - 0-3
    3. The Pod reflect and review

    The Pod reflect and review

    14 June 2024 (by Sarah Colverson-Martin (Sarah))

    Another busy week in the Pod

    The children have continued to develop their mathematical skills, in various ways. The younger children have taken part in lots of number rhymes, songs and games and counting everyday objects within the environment, whilst the older children have been matching the written number with the same amount of objects, they have been exploring the numicon and making the connection of counting 1:1 knowing that each hole represents a number. 

    The children have explored the different textures of the gloop by adding more or less water to change the consistency, less water it stays dry and hand more water makes it runny. 

    The children have continued to enjoy reading the story 'Bog Baby' and have made their own babies using clay, we have used different descriptive words to describe our Bog babies. The younger children have continued to develop their through singing stories and repetition.

    We have been on bug hunts in the garden and found lots of slugs, woodlice, worms and ants. Inside the children have been 'fishing for newts' in the water tray we then looked at real newts on the ipad and discussed what types of habitats they need.

    A reminder that our Pod teddy bear picnic will take place on Tuesday 16th July 11.30-1.30 in the Pod garden all families are welcome to join us on that day.

    We wish you all a wonderful weekend and hope lots of Dad's get spoilt on Sunday.

    See you all next week finger crossed for some sunshine.