Coral Reef Reflect and Review21 June 2024 (by Laura Thornton (LauraT)) |
Finally the sun has been shining and this has allowed for lots of play and learning to take place outside this week.
As writers we have been developing our sentence writing skills when writing about the Rainbow Fish story and Grandma Fantastic has given us some new words and vocabulary to include in our sentences. The children have also enjoyed contributing words that match our focus for example action words, noticing words or feeling words.
We have enjoyed performing our Poem called 'Monkey Babies' I wonder if your child can retell the poem at home?
We have been using a special underwater camera to take photos in our water tray, the children also enjoyed taking photos of each other. We will be looking at the photos they captured next week.
As artists we have been using felt tip pens and paint to decorate shells and have been creating jellyfish out of paper and wool as part of our fine motor focus.
As Mathematicians we have been recalling our doubles facts and number bonds to 5 facts. We have been noticing 2D shapes within 3D shapes thinking about their properties such as faces, curved or flat sides and corners. We realised that there are shapes everywhere in our environment too! We have also been exploring sharing amounts fairly between toy characters and children, to help us understand that when we share something it need to be of equal parts. The children have impressed us with their problem solving skills and understanding of this concept.
As Geographers we talked about the seaside and watched a video. We looked at a map of the UK and discussed where there might be a beach location and why- we used stickers to show the beach locations. We thought about why there wasn't a beach in Oxford and why as well as thinking about the similarities and differences between Oxford and the seaside. We also watched a live stream of Weymouth Seafront- the children we really interested in this!
Next week we will continue our Rainbow Fish Writing. We will be learning about plastic pollution in our seas and the impact this has on sea creatures and their habitats, using the fantastic story 'Somebody Swallowed Stanley' to support our understanding. This book will also inspire our drawing and writing in Drawing Club. In Maths we will be practising recalling our number bonds to ten and explore grouping amounts.
Final Payment for Legoland is due next week. We are busy organising the children and staff to ensure safety on the trip. Please tell us if your child will not be attending.
Coming up:
Risk Assessment meeting after school for parents joining our Legoland Trip Tuesday 2nd July.
Legoland Friday 5th July
Water Play Day Wednesday 10th July. Children will need to bring a bag containing swimwear, waterproof shoes and a towel. Children can also bring in a water toy/ gun to play with.
Transition Week 15th July-19th. For the last week of term the children will spend a whole week in Islands class to support them with their move to Year 1 in September.