Open Day for prospective and current parents on the 30th of November from 9:00 to 11:00, No need to book

    1. News
    2. Oceans - Years 3 & 4
    3. Oceans reflect and review

    Oceans reflect and review

    7 September 2024 (by Andy Gilbert (Andy))

    Week 1 Autumn term

    It was great to have all the children back after the summer break. This week we’ve been focussing on getting to know each other and reminding the children of the rules and routines and setting our goals and expectations for the year ahead.

    In Maths this week we’ve looked at Roman Numerals. We explored what is the same and different in the number systems, including that there is no symbol for zero in the Roman system, so no placeholder zero. The importance of placeholder zero will become evident as we consolidate and enhance our Place Value knowledge over the next few weeks.

    We’ve started a new topic and will be building an overview of world history, by learning about the Ancient Egyptians. We’ve looked at the chronology of the Egyptians discovering that the Egyptian civilisation lasted more than 3000 years! Over the next few weeks we’ll be exploring how the Egyptians lived and, much more interestingly, their views on death, burial and the afterlife.

    We are delighted that once again we’re involved with Oxford Song. To kick off our song writing project, and enrich our knowledge of the Ancient Egyptians, we’ll be visiting the Ashmolean next week: Wednesday 11th. With the Ashmolean staff we’ll visit the Ancient Egypt gallery to find out about life in Ancient Egypt, and handle ancient Egyptian objects.

    The trip will take place during the school day. Children should arrive at school as normal and will be back in school in time for pick up. We will visit the museum in two groups: one in the morning and one in the afternoon. We will be getting the bus into Oxford city centre and back again.

    Children should wear their school uniforms and weather appropriate footwear and coats and bring a named water bottle. Please ensure that children have a packed lunch. If you receive free school meals, a lunch will be provided.

    If you have any questions please speak to a member of the team at pick up or email  

    Oceans team