Open Day for prospective and current parents on the 30th of November from 9:00 to 11:00, No need to book

    1. News
    2. Coral Reef - FSU
    3. Coral Reef Reflect and Review

    Coral Reef Reflect and Review

    20 September 2024 (by Laura Thornton (LauraT))

    It has been a busy week of learning and playing in the Coral Reef class and the children have continued to settle well and are starting to understand our routines and rules better.

    As mathematicians we have been developing our noticing skills by noticing object amounts of 1, 2 or 3 and the children have enjoyed circling the the amounts for their group to see.  We have also been sorting, matching and pairing objects. Again we used our noticing skills to talk about why objects might match or be a pair. We learnt that 1 and another 1 equals 2. 

    In phonics, we continued to learn new sounds. This week we learnt d, I, n and reviewed all the sounds we have learnt so far. The children have also been learning to use magnetic letter tiles on magnetic boards to make and read words containing the sounds we have learnt such as sat, mat, sad, sat. The children have been working hard to learn this new skill. 

    In Drawing Club we have been thinking about the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears, the children enjoyed drawing bears and Goldilocks as well as drawing their ideas for where Goldilocks might hide and what present she might buy the bears to say sorry. The children added a 'magic mark' to their drawings and imagined what the 'magic mark' might do to their pictures! There were some wonderful ideas.

    In PE we have continued to develop our gross motor dance movements in the air using our arms and transferring the movements to paper. This week the children made up and down, side to side and crossover movements to music. 

    In circle time we continued to develop our understanding of different feelings and emotions and we talked about what these feelings and emotions might look like in our body and facial expressions. 

    The children are very excited about the Theatre visiting school in October. If your child didn't bring home a letter about this, then please let a member of the Coral Reef team know. 

    A reminder that PE is every Monday. Children should come to school wearing their School PE Kit. This is grey leggings or joggers and a school burgundy t-shirt. They will need trainers, pumps or plimsoles for footwear. School jumpers can be worn too. 

    Please name all items of clothing, especially school jumpers, we already have a collection of jumpers that are not named.  names.