Oceans Reflect and review21 September 2024 (by Andy Gilbert (Andy)) |
Week 3
It was wonderful to see so many of you at the meeting on Thursday. If you were not able to make it, don’t worry as the slides have been loaded onto the school website.
In Maths we continue looking at Place Value. Across the phase we’ve been using lots of physical resources, base 10, to support learning. These resources emphasise to the children the relationship between 1, 10, 100 and 1000. Encourage your children to read numbers for you. Then ask: how many hundreds / how many tens? Ask them to describe how they know!
One of the highlights of the week was our trip to an (imaginary) Ancient Egyptian tomb. An approach to teaching and learning where the class adopts an expert point of view within a fictional scenario. In this case they were a team of archaeologists: deciding what equipment is needed, how to get past closed doors in the tomb, describing the uses of the items they found as well as the life and death of the person they found.
Home learning this week:
Reading: 15 mins a day is your stretch target. Read to them or with them. Get them to read outloud or ask them to read quietly and then tell you about what they've just read.
Maths: WhiteRose Workbooks, Indian and Pacific: p7-9 Arctic: p10-12
Sumdog: Encourage the children to spend some of their digital time on Sumdog. The application helps build fluency games. Aim for accuracy rather than speed.
Next week, we’ll move our focus away from the Ancient Egyptians to explore the UK. We’ll be locating and naming countries in the United Kingdom on a map, looking at geographical regions and identifying human and physical characteristics, including mountains, cities and rivers.