The Pod reflect and review27 September 2024 (by Sarah Colverson-Martin (Sarah)) |
Wet wet wet!!
It's been another busy week in the Pod and the children have been enjoying lots of stories, singing and dancing.
We have read the story 'Brown bear brown bear what do you see?' and talked about the different animals that appear in the book. Some of the children have shown that they have really listened to the story of 'We're going on a bear hunt' as they sat with the younger children and retold the story using the pictures and their own knowledge.
One good thing out of all this rain is puddles and who doesn't like a good puddle to splash in. The babies have been using new vocabulary 'splash, puddle, rain, dirty, drip, wet, cold' while we were in the garden after a rain storm.
Please can we have wellies for your children, and indoor shoes to change into. Also dry clothes.
Next week we are looking at Autumn and autumnal colours and objects. The story is one about hedgehogs. Called 'The Prickly Hedgehog' We will continue to make hedgehogs and autumn trees.
A date for your diary. We are holding a drop in and play session on Tuesday 8th October 8.30-9.30. The idea is for the you to come in and see how we play, interact and develop your children's learning. You can stay for the whole hour or just 10 minutes the choice is yours. We hope that lots of you are able to join us in this.
Have a fabulous weekend see you next week.
Sarah and the Pod team