Open Day for prospective and current parents on the 30th of November from 9:00 to 11:00, No need to book

    1. News
    2. Anemones Pre-school
    3. Anemones Reflect and Review

    Anemones Reflect and Review

    18 October 2024 (by Laura Thornton (LauraT))

    It has been another busy week in Anemone's class and we have enjoyed being outside in the warmer and drier weather and playing 'What's the Time Mr Wolf!'

    This week we have been thinking about the story Little Red Riding Hood.

    In our tuff tray, we have been exploring glittery red playdough and using the rolling pins and cutters. 

    On our creative table,  we have been colour mixing with paint, sticking, drawing and developing our scissor skills by learning to hold and use scissors to cut up different coloured paper. 

    We have enjoyed singing sessions and have had many story times together, looking at and talking about the illustrations and the story. I wonder what stories you will share at home over the weekend. 

    In Maths, we have been practising our counting by counting how many friends are at pre-school. We have also been thinking about numbers 1 and 2 and counting our body parts and we played a game called 'i have... where Lisa shouted a number and the children shared what they have that number of on their body for example 2 hands.  We enjoyed counting songs, singing and joining in with Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes and 10 little fingers. 

    In Phonics we have continued to focus on identifying the sounds we can hear around us, which sounds are loud and quiet. Some of the children enjoyed playing a sound Bingo game. 

    Next week we will be thinking about the story The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We will be making troll faces with clay, creating lollipop puppets and using our problem-solving skills to build bridges with our construction toys. 

    In Phonics we will be identifying animal sounds and matching them to the animal. We will be developing our language by describing animals to our friends so that they can guess the animal. 

    We are excited to see the 'Glass Slippers' show in school on Friday. If you have not paid for this experience please send £6.70 in a named envelope next week. 

    Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all next week. 

    The Anemones Team