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    2. Coral Reef - FSU
    3. Coral Reef Reflect and Review

    Coral Reef Reflect and Review

    8 November 2024 (by Laura Thornton (LauraT))

    It has been lovely welcoming all the children back after the half term holiday and we have managed to pack in a lot of learning a short week.

    We started our new topic for the Term, 'It's a Kind of Magic,' our focus this week has been on the Hindu and Sikh festival of lights, Diwali. 

    During our 'plan and do' time in the provision the children have explored creating Rangoli patterns with Numicon tiles, loose parts such as coloured counters, sparkly gems and powder paint and made Diwali sweets at the playdough table. 

    If you celebrated Diwali over half-term we would love you to email us a photo! please send to

    As artists the children have been using chalk pastels to create fireworks on black paper, learning how to smudge the lines with their fingers and blend the different colours and their finished artwork was fantastic. 

    In Drawing Club the children have been thinking about the wonderful story 'The Best Diwali Ever' The children drew the main character Arianna, drew gifts for Diwali and designed their own Rangoli pattern. 

    As Mathematicians we have been practising counting forwards and backwards and recognising amounts up to 5 using our 'fast eyes' in our subitising game. We also enjoyed a game of 'fastest fingers by using our fingers to show different amounts quickly. You could play this game at home? We have also been learning about repeating patterns by creating repeating patterns with shapes, natural items such as pebbles, shells and sticks and creating sound patterns with two different percussion instruments. 

    See you all on Monday

    In Poetry Basket we learnt a poem called '5 Little Pumpkins' I wonder if your child can retell the poem to you? 

    In Phonics we learnt to read and write new sounds r and j and continued to practise blending the sounds to read words and the children are trying really hard with this aspect of phonics. 

    Next week we will be marking Remembrance Day and learning the significance of poppies through a beautiful animation called 'Poppies' 

    The children will use fine motor skills to create poppies from loose parts such as buttons and pipe cleaners. 

    As artists, we will be colour-mixing, exploring how to make different tones and shades by adding white or black paint to  primary colours.  

    As mathematicians, we will be developing a deep understanding of numbers 1,2 and 3. We will use 5 frames to build amounts and use our noticing skills to see parts within the whole number. 

    The children will continue to learn new sounds and practise blending the sounds so they can begin to read words more independently. Please continue to help your child practise the words on the phonics sheet sent home today. 

    Coming up: 

    Don't forget that we are having an open morning on Saturday 30th November 9-11. All families, friends and neighbours are welcome to come and look around our wonderful school. We look forward to seeing you all! 

    We will be going to see The Elves and The Shoemaker show at the Pegasus Theatre on Thursday 19th Decmber. The cost of this trip is £8.70, you can pay by cash in a named envelope or via Brom Com. 

    A reminder that to keep everyone safe at the beginning and end of the school day, we ask that parents do not park on the school site or across entrances and exits. Thank you.