Joy Courage Justice

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    3. Weekly reflect and review

    Weekly reflect and review

    7 December 2024 (by Sarah Colverson-Martin (Sarah))

    Fruit and veg anyone? What is your favourite?

    This week the children have enjoyed exploring real fruit and vegetables in the home corner. We discussed which fruit and vegetables we liked and the different colours they are. We talked about healthy eating habits and how to keep our bodies healthy, brushing our teeth, exercise and eating a variety of different foods. The children preferred oranges to bananas during snack time. 
    We have started to share lots of different Christmas stories and have been developing our listening and recall skills, as we share these books at group time.  We have been practicing Christmas songs and learning the actions.
    The children used natural materials in the cinnamon scented playdough this building up their muscle strength in their fingers.
    Next week will be developing our fine motor skills through writing letters to Santa, Christmas cards to families and friends and  posting them in our post box, the children will be helping to decorate the Christmas tree. 
    We are hoping to see lots of you on Wednesday morning for our Christmas stay and play session 9.30-11. We will sign you in on the gate as we have done before. Granny, Gramps, Aunts and Uncles all welcome. If your child does not attend on a Wednesday please feel free to come along.
    Have a lovely weekend stay safe in the wind and rain. We will see you all next week. A reminder that school closes at 11.15 on Friday 20th December for the Christmas holidays.