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    3. Weekly reflect and review

    Weekly reflect and review

    13 December 2024 (by Sarah Colverson-Martin (Sarah))

    Another busy week

    This week the children have explored the winter scene tuff tray with woodland animals, we thought about how the animals would find their food when the ground is covered in snow.

    The children have taken part in lots of art activities which will be coming home next week. 

    Thank you to all the parents and grandparents that could join us for our stay and play session on Wednesday. Thank you for all the positive feedback back you gave us, it’s lovely to hear, we enjoy sharing with you what happens in nursery. More stay and play sessions will happen next year.

    Some of the children were lucky enough this afternoon to go and watch Coral Reefs nativity play. Which they really enjoyed. 

    Have a lovely weekend, 1week left until the end of term we finish at 11.15 on Friday 20th December.