Oceans Reflect and Review11 January 2025 (by Andy Gilbert (Andy)) |
Spring Wk1
A chilly start to the year! Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. We insist on coats during outdoor time: paying no attention to replies of “but I’m not cold.”
In Oceans this week we’re straight back to work. In English, we’ve begun a new book and writing sequence. Everyone is very excited that our English this term is based on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. A Roald Dahl classic and firm favourite. It seems it is impossible to talk about chocolate and sweets without having sweets and chocolate to eat: such a shame!
In Maths we’re continuing to think about multiplication and division. We’ve looked at ‘factor pairs’ - whole numbers that go together to make the ‘product’ (answer) in a multiplication - and have been using our reasoning skills to recognise relationships between calculations.
Maths home learning this week: WhiteRose Work books: P45 - 47
Pacific, also have a copy of their weekly CLIC to practice.
This week, Arctic and Indian have been looking at the art of Quentin Blake and, amongst other techniques, been using continuous line drawing to replicate his distinctive style.
Pacific started to investigate life cycles across the animal kingdom, as well as look at digestion in humans. Lots of fun was had replicating the journey of food through the digestive system and at the end everyone got to write ‘Poo’ in their books! Next week we’ll be looking at different types of teeth and how they help us to eat.
Finally, in PSHE this week we thought about charity. It's purpose and why we should show generosity, aid and helpfulness towards people or animals in need.
Stay warm