Islands Weekly Reflect and Review7 February 2025 (by Lauren Arbour (Lauren)) |
As Designers this week we explored why people design and make structures for different reasons; for example, to contain or hold something, to support something, to protect something or to span the space between two objects so that they are connected
We followed instructions and created our own structures, testing different theories. We used models and annotated diagrams to describe what is meant by an object’s centre of gravity.
In our topic lessons, the children designed and created their own bridge structures. The children drew and labelled their designs, looking at real bridge designs for inspiration. They then worked in small groups to create their own bridge structure using sugar cubes. The children were able to utilise their key vocabulary whilst supporting their teams!
In maths, the children in Sumatra have been exploring the number line! They have been focusing on populating number lines and then counting how many jumps it takes to get from one number to the next. The children have also been exploring the key vocabulary of less than, greater than and equal to.
Important Information:
Parents Evening - Wednesday 12th February
Parents evenings are available to be booked via the MCAS app. If you do not book a face to face meeting, your child’s class teacher will call you to discuss your child’s progress.
As part of our topic ‘Extreme Weather’, we will be visiting the Botanical Garden in Oxford on Wednesday 26th February (Fiji and Sumatra) and Wednesday 12th March (Tahiti) during our normal school hours. Please read letter and return by 3rd February.
If you are able to volunteer for your child’s trip, please speak to Lauren.
Head Lice -
We have a few cases of headlice in Islands. Please can we ask that you follow the provided guidance to check your child’s hair over the weekend.
Homelearning -
Sumatra and Year 1 - Oxford Owl Reading
Children’s individual White Rose Maths sheet
Sumdog- Homework Set in each child’s Tasks Tab
White Rose Maths - Next dated page/or next page for them.
Reading - Please ensure your child is reading their book bag books and accessing their Oxford Owl if they are in year 1.