Explorers reflect and review28 February 2025 (by Beth Taylor (Beth)) |
A great first week back!
Explorers have been working hard this week,
As writers:
Endeavour class have been busy this week exploring the first person narrative poem of Black Beauty, exploring Beauty’s experiences, thoughts and feelings. Next week, we’ll be writing a first person narrative as a working animal before we begin our new unit of Running Wild, written by Michael Morpurgo.
In Beagle, we have been looking at stories about friendship, focusing on story structure and descriptions, including expanded noun phrases.
In Discovery, we have started our new text called Otter’s Moon. The children have enjoyed reading the first few chapters and are now focusing on writing a diary entry using a simile, action verbs and complex sentences.
As mathematicians:
Beagle have been exploring decimals this, focusing on place value and understanding the fraction equivalents. We have also been focusing on dividing by 10 and 100 in “It’s Nothing New”, moving into decimal places.
Endeavour have started a new unit on decimals, exploring what a decimal is, how to find equivalent fractions and how they can be applied in real life. Please encourage your child to use money, measure amounts to become more confident in their use.
Discovery has been looking at decimals as fractions and percentages and will move onto perimeter and area next week.
As scientists and geologists:
We have begun to look at Biomes, exploring what these are and researching our chosen biome. We have explored the plants and animals found and the climate of the area.
In Beagle, we have been developing our computing skills, using google slides on google classroom to share the information we have found out whist Endeavour have been Biome experts, drilling down into a specific Biome so they can teach others about it.
Discovery had another brilliant afternoon working with Climate Ed, learning about how much greenhouse gases comes from our food.
As performers:
On Tuesday, Endeavour took to the stage at Magdalen College School for their performance of Shakespeare Rocks! They have worked incredibly hard over the term and they should be very proud of their performance.
Next week:
We are really looking forward to visiting the rainforest exhibit at the Oxford Botanic Garden on Wednesday, to support our learning on biomes. Please can any outstanding permission slips and payments be sent in asap, thank you.
Endeavour and some of Discovery are going first thing in the morning, and will be back at school around 12:30.
Beagle and the rest of Discovery are leaving late morning and will be back at school around 2:45.
Please make sure your child has a packed lunch on this day, unless already ordered when the permission slip was returned.
On Wednesday morning, we have an Ash Wednesday service at St Mary and St John Church. Please have a chat with your child about if you are happy with/would like them to receive the blessing with the ashes or not. (Those going to the Botanic Gardens in the morning will not be attending the service.)
In 2 weeks time we are starting an art project, exploring taking 2D images and making them 3D. In order to do this well, we are asking for cardboard boxes, such as cereal or pizza boxes. We will also be using collage techniques using old magazines and newspapers. If you are going to be putting any of these in your recycling over the next week, please save them and send them in with your child. Thank you.
- Spellings
- White Rose sheet
- Sumdog tasks
- Daily reading
- Spellings
- White Rose - Decimals
- Reading Plus
- Spellings
- Sumdog challenge
- Reading plus