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    2. Coral Reef - FSU
    3. Coral Reef Reflect and Review

    Coral Reef Reflect and Review

    28 February 2025 (by Laura Thornton (LauraT))

    The classroom was full of 'Wild Things' this week and the children all seemed happy to be back at school with their teachers and friends.

    This week, we have delved into the children's classic story 'Where the Wild Things Are'. As part of our focus, the children ve been drawing and writing about the story and creating story maps, recalling the story sequence. 

    In our provision, the children have enjoyed learning how to draw monsters following step-by-step instructions and some children have been writing captions and short sentences about monsters.  

    On Wednesday, we welcomed our friend John from the Oxford Song music organisation, who came and delivered some super fun musical sessions with the children where they sang songs and rhymes and learnt how to play instruments through a series of games and songs. 

    In Maths the children have been adding 1 to a single digit. They have begun counting in 10s and using 10 frames and 10 Numicon tiles to see visually each ten. The children wowed us with their understanding, especially when they could identify the next ten. They have been deepening their knowledge of numbers beyond 5 by finding the different ways to make 6,7, and 8 through a range of games.  A favourite game was a skittles game and a hiding game. 

    Next week, as artists, the children will be exploring clay in preparation for the monster sculptures we will be making over the next couple of weeks. 

    Our book focus will be the spine-tingling tale 'The Hairy Toe', the children will be drawing, writing and talking about the story. 

    As mathematicians, we will continue to count in steps of 1 and 10. We will be practising one-to-one correspondence when counting objects and learning about matching pairs, developing our reasoning skills by explaining why the pairs match. 

    We will be revisiting oral health and learning how to look after our teeth. 

     In PE, we are continuing our gymnastics unit and learning how to move safely and in different ways across equipment. 

    On Thursday, we will be celebrating books and stories as part of World Book Day. Your child is invited to come dressed up as a story character and bring the accompanying book or favourite story.  We know it can be hard to think of costume ideas, so please don't feel you have to buy anything new or spend a lot of time on this.  Here are lots of great ideas for costumes based on things you may already have: On the day, we will be sharing lots of stories! 

    Coming Up: 

    World Book Day Thursday, 6th March. 

    Mother's Day tea for all mum figures on Friday 28th March at 1.30 in school. Please join us for tea, coffee cake and musical entertainment.