Open Day for prospective and current parents on the 30th of November from 9:00 to 11:00, No need to book

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    Daily Challenge

    23 March 2020 (by Louise Budan (LouiseB))

    Science and Maths- All you need is a timer.

    For this activity we are going to investigate the effects of exercise on our heart beat. Children can create their own table on a piece of paper rather than printing the picture. 

    Children will first be required to measure their heart beat for 15 seconds. Once this has been recorded they can complete 30 seconds of each  activity listed in the image above (Walking, running, jumping ect) when they have finished the activity they can record their heart beat for 15 more seconds. Recording all result. I would leave 2 minutes in-between each activity to rest. If you would like a challenge- can you work out how many beats per minutes your body is doing?