Open Day for prospective and current parents on the 30th of November from 9:00 to 11:00, No need to book

    1. News
    2. Islands Year 1 + 2
    3. Islands Weekly Reflect and Review

    Islands Weekly Reflect and Review

    15 September 2024 (by Lauren Arbour (Lauren))

    This week in our topic lessons as scientists we continued to explore our senses.

    We know that there are different ways of exploring the world and that often our senses work together to help us do that. We explored our senses through a range of activities such as- nature walks, food testing and feely bags. Many of the children experienced foods they were not familiar with such as radishes, passion fruit and pomegranate seeds.  

    As Mathematicians we continued to deepen our understanding of place value. We identified and represented numbers using objects and pictorial representations including with a number line, and developed our mathematical language. We have been practising counting in steps of 1, 2, 5 and 10 forwards and backwards. 

    It was a very busy week as we started our ballet lessons - focusing on the concept of their kinesphere and its periphery through a variety of shapes, set and creative movement. Individually and together in pairs, we actively explored focus, energy and exercises, enabling us to apply a range of dynamics to our movements.

    Next week as Geographers we will explore what farms are and why they are important. We will find out the differences between life on a farm and life in a town, carrying out simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of key human and physical features of our school’s surrounding environment and community, particularly the Cowley Road. We will also use Digimaps, to access both current day and historical maps of our surrounding area.

    Key Information- 

    Each year we hold a parents meeting at the start of the school year to ensure parents are aware of what is expected of their children and how parents can support them throughout the year. This is a very important meeting where you will also have the opportunity to ask questions. These meetings will be held in the dock at 3pm PROMPTLY. Please collect any of your children that are not in Islands phase and come to the dock (located via main reception) to meet your child for their meeting. If you do not arrive promptly, unfortunately we do not have the facility to collect you and the meeting will have started. 

    Monday 16th September - Fiji and Sumatra Class 

    Tuesday 17th September - Tahiti Class 

    All home learning for islands will begin on Friday 20th September. 

    PE KIT- Due to some changes of timetables please check the following days your children should be in their PE kit. 

    Tahiti - Tuesday and Thursday 

    Fiji -  Monday and Thursday 

    Sumatra - Thursday and Friday 

    Have a great Sunday, 

    Islands team