Open Day for prospective and current parents on the 30th of November from 9:00 to 11:00, No need to book

    1. News
    2. Islands Year 1 + 2
    3. Islands Weekly Reflect and Review

    Islands Weekly Reflect and Review

    20 September 2024 (by Lauren Arbour (Lauren))

    This week in our topic lessons as geographers we explored what farms are and why they are important.

    The children now know the difference between an arable, dairy and livestock farm and what their purposes are. We asked and answered geographical questions about the locations of different farms. 

    In maths this week Fiji and Sumatra continued to explore counting, identifying numbers, words and began to explore 1 more and 1 less. The children particularly enjoyed their lesson with Ashley today where they used a special friend to move them up and down a giant number line. In Tahiti we practised counting in 2’s, 5’s, 10’s and 3’s. We used these skills to support our understanding of place value. 

    Key Information:

    As part of our topic, ‘field to fork’ this term we will be offering the children a trip to Eastrop Farm and Coleshill Organic Farming on Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th October. 

    We will explore the vegetable unit at Coleshill Farm, where the children will have the opportunity to pick their own vegetables and taste them. They will develop their understanding of sustainability and how farms work. The children will also visit Eastrop Farm where the farmer will take the children through the parlour where there will be lots of newborn calves and dairy cows. 

    A letter will come home on Monday with all of the relevant information and the date your child will be attending this trip as it is across two days this year. 

    Homelearning - 

    All home learning has been issued. 

    Reading - All children need to be reading each day for 10 minutes- log this on their treasure map. 

    This can be using their phonics book that is linked to their class lessons, Oxford Owl set book or Oxford Reading Buddy books.

    White Rose Maths - 

    Year 1- Pages 4, 5 and 6. 

    Year 2- Pages 4,5 and 6. 

    Sumdog - task set 

    Weekly Spelling- in their spelling log

    Topic grid (optional) - on the website and copies have been sent home

    All homework needs to be in by Wednesday. 

    Have a great weekend, 

    Islands Team