Joy Courage Justice

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    2. Islands Year 1 + 2
    3. Islands Weekly Reflect and Review

    Islands Weekly Reflect and Review

    25 October 2024 (by Lauren Arbour (Lauren))

    What a great end to an amazing first term back!

    We celebrated the end of our first term with an ‘Enrichment Week’! During this week the children really enjoyed deepening their understanding of problem solving with a full week of hands-on maths. They worked as a whole class, small groups and pairs to solve problems and then share their ideas and thought processes. We were very impressed with their deep thinking around mathematical concepts. 

    They reflected and reviewed the learning that has taken place this term, recalling their knowledge and sharing with others what they think farming and agriculture entails. It was really interesting to hear their reviews and to listen to what their favourite parts of this term were. 

    Important Information: 

    Guess who’s back…

    This term Ellen has done an amazing job at settling Tahiti into year 2. It is now time for her to share her skills in another class within the Coral Reef. If you have not already guessed or heard, Zenith is returning to Islands and will be Tahiti’s class teacher once again! We are very excited to have Zenith back and the children’s reaction to seeing her was really quite special. 

    Homelearning - 

    All children have had their spellings and maths books updated for you to get to if you can. 

    Most importantly, have the best half term break! It has been a very long term and the children all deserve a break. 

    We will see you on Wednesday 6th November.

    Islands Team