Focused Phonics Children in Rockpool have been following the Golden Rules - especially working hard in phonics.
Special Egg Delivery. Our chicks have safely arrived and are in our warm incubator. We have learnt all about why these eggs will hatch and what we need to do to care for the chicks once they hatch.
Our time at Eastrop Farm The children have been revisiting their time at Eastrop Farm and Coleshill Vegetable Unit. We talked about what we already knew, what we learnt and what we liked and disliked about our time. We have explored a variety of challenges to help us remember.
We have arrived at Eastrop Farm! We are already exploring the maternity field where there were baby calves born last night. The children are blowing Liza away with all of their knowledge about farms.
Dairy Farm Calves! The children have watched the baby calves being fed this morning. We practised being super silent and the calves came to say hi! A few even thought we were delicious.