Open Day for prospective and current parents on the 30th of November from 9:00 to 11:00, No need to book
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Another fantastic week of exploring amazing places and spaces, in this case, Florence Park. The children could not believe how many different bridges were in Florence Park.
Today Pacific class contuined to play cricket in PE. We practiced our batting skills then had our first game!
Being in school every day makes a difference, it's important!
This week in our Maths lessons, the children have been exploring patterns. We watched 'The Pattern Fish' and have had a go at creating our own repeating patterns.
The children practised making a strong wide shape with their bodies as they pretended to be seaweed with their partner.
The children have enjoyed their first week back and have begun to explore and learn about our new topic under water worlds through a range of experiences.
Our new topic ‘amazing places and spaces’ has really sparked the children’s curiosity and creativity. We started by exploring our local area and thinking about what physical and human features we could find.
What a great first week back! We've started off our new term with a new book (Flood) and have begun to write our own narratives to accompany the wordless text.
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