Check out our moves! In our gymnastic PE sessions we have been learning how to make different shapes with our bodies.
Coral Reef Weekly Reflect and Review This week we learnt about what waterproof is and found out that Penguin’s feathers are waterproof. We performed an experiment using water, good colouring and oil to show how waterproof works.
Making 5 In Maths we had lots of fun throwing beanbags into a hoop. We scored a point for every beanbag that landed in the hoop.
Coral Reef Weekly reflect and review This week we have been learning facts about penguins and polar bears and we used our phonics to write fact sentences, remembering to use finger spaces between our words.
Artists Children in Coral Reef have been experimenting with new painting techniques using brusho inks and water. They have really enjoyed seeing their pictures appear on the paper like magic!
Taking on Responsibilities We have introduced snack monitors-or as we like to call them snack chefs! Each day two children are chosen to be responsible for preparing our morning snack.
Coral Reef Weekly Reflect and Review It’s been a chilly week in the Coral Reef. Not only has there been ice outside but we have been exploring ice inside too!
Penguins As part of our continuous provision this week, the children have been busy making play dough penguins. They have used their observational skills by looking at pictures and created their own penguin
Coral Reef weekly reflect and review This week we have continued to explore Antarctica. We looked at some videos and pictures and used words to describe it. We talked about how it is different from where we live.
Drawing club fun! This week for drawing club we have been exploring the story "Be brave little penguin". We have been thinking about the characters and the settings. We have created some amazing drawings.