Pacific go on a leaf hunt! Today we went outside and found lots of different leaves. We thought about our book ' The Building Boy' and thought about the different texture and sound the leaves make.
Oceans' weekly reflect and review Wow! What a busy week in Oceans! This week we've been exploring different famous buildings and recreating them in different artistic styles.
Explorer's weekly reflect and review We have had an exciting week in Explorers. WE have cooked, created and challenged our selves in maths and computing.
Islands Weekly Reflect and Review This week in Islands we have explored the life cycle of a chicken, watched chicks hatching in an incubator and explored what habitats chickens need to have to survive.
Coral Reef Weekly Reflect and Review In our Drawing club sessions we have been learning new vocabulary such as slimy, disgusting and courage. We have been drawing and labelling witches and drawing what we would like to eat out of the witches kitchen.
Grow Project in full swing! Our planters are really beginning to flourish. The children in islands have been working hard to look after our vegetables, taking their roles very seriously.