Coral Reef weekly Reflect and Review We have packed a lot into this week. We have completed our non fiction postcard writing about the adventures of the Snail and the Whale. Today the children were able to recall the all the different places and things they had seen..
Forest School Fun Beluga Wales and Starfishes forest School Exploring
Coral Reef Weekly Reflect and Review We have investigating sunflowers as part of our Sunflower Challenge, we looked at lots of different images of sunflowers to help us to become Sunflower experts!
Sunflowers This week in Coral Reef we have started our sunflower project. We have started by painting our own sunflowers and looking closely at different pictures to help us.
Coral Reef weekly Reflect and Review The children were fascinated by the real fish we had in class. The children had lots of questions about where they had come from and how they had died. They painted them and made prints of them.
Patterns This week in our Maths lessons, the children have been exploring patterns. We watched 'The Pattern Fish' and have had a go at creating our own repeating patterns.
Under water dancing The children practised making a strong wide shape with their bodies as they pretended to be seaweed with their partner.
Coral Reef weekly Reflect and Review The children have enjoyed their first week back and have begun to explore and learn about our new topic under water worlds through a range of experiences.