Our School
Train up a child in the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not depart from it.
Latest News
- This free online safety guide profiles money muling, and highlights ways that trusted adults can help prevent young people to avoid being drawn into this illegal activity.
- Today Year 3/4 went to Horspath Athletics track to take part in the Quad Kids Atheltics. We took part in the 600m, 75m lnong jump and vorkex throw. They did so well, worked collaboratively and cheered on their team mates.
- As you get ready for another week at school, please check your child has the correct school uniform.
- We've had a fantastically collaborative and creative week this week! The children have settled into their new classes and have been working hard on answering the question 'what is the common good'.
- We have become fully immersed in our new topic 'Bug's Life' this week. The children have been really keen to share their knowledge about insects and as part of our topic work learnt about how to identify an insect? I wonder if your child can tell you?
- Being in school every day is important. Well done to this crew who have been in school every day.